Logitech Dinovo Edge Keyboard

Logitech Dinovo Edge This has to be the nicest keyboard I have ever owned. Sure it looks great but more importantly it is a pleasure to use. It has some great features too, like the Touchdisc, which is like a laptop touch pad but possibly more functional when using away from a desk, like navigatingContinue reading “Logitech Dinovo Edge Keyboard”

For the Person who almost has it all

On my travels through cyberspace I came across whats either the most decadent thing around or something quite cool, depending on your point of veiw. I think its cool but doubt I will ever be in a position to use this service.

The Second Coolest Watch

TOKYOFLASH NEGATIVE WATCH Well I just got another cool watch, and it is very cool, but it hasn’t overtaken my Storm Circuit MKII as the coolest watch. I have had my eye on this watch for some time and I finally decide to buy it.  I placed my order and then tracked the delivery online.Continue reading “The Second Coolest Watch”